From 29 - 30 of November 14th Latvian Open Veterans Table Tennis Championships was held in Iecava. There took part the best table tennis veterans from Latvia and neighboring Countries. Winners are: Ina Jozepsone - Women 40+, Ramūnas Vosgirdas - Men 40+, Daina Ročāne - Women 50+, Uģis Plikgalvis - Men 50+, Vera Eriksone - Women 60+, Povilas Bagužis - Men 60+, un Konstantinas Kupris - Men 70+.
Check out the trailer for new documentary movie - Fact or Fiction : The Life and Times of a Ping Pong Hustler! Movie coming out 1 August, 2014, USA.
2014 World Team Table Tennis Championships in Tokyo begins, let's keep our fingers crossed! Men's National Team of Latvia: Arturs Reinholds, Olegs Kartuzovs and Leonids Maslovs. Women's National Team of Latvia: Antra Vinerte, Diana Rusinova and Viktoria Majorova.